So, today I'm going to tell you guys about my convo with one of my friend, Zakiah Diva about our plans on next holiday.  We currently studied at the same class on the same school, we talked a lot and now I'm so excited to know about her plans on the holiday. Here we go.

Jona             : Dude, what a nice work! You've done a great job, Zakiah!
Zakiah         : Thanks, mate. You too!
Jona            : By the way, holiday is coming over! What are you going to do, Zak? Don’t say that you’re going to study math or whatever is that again! LOL
Zakiah         : Ah, right! How could I forget about it? Now is December, right?
Jona            : What a oblivion girl, ha ha ha. So, what are you going to do, exactly?
Zakiah         : Well, I had a plan to visit Oymyakon Village.
Jona            : Huh?! Oysnenwuiiu? Where the heck is that?
Zakiah         : Chill, it’s Oymyakon in Russia. It’s the coldest village in the world. I’m going to meet my internet buddy.
Jona            : Ugh, sounds creepy.
Zakiah         : Yeah, dude. It is. Once you slipped on the ice, you die. Well, what are you going to do then?
Jona            : Zak, please take care of yourself there, okay? Um, literally I had a plan to spend my holiday with my bestriends.
Zakiah         : Wow, that’s awesome. You’re so lucky to have them! LOL
Jona            : We're going to go to Jakarta and play at Dufan
Zakiah         : What else are you gonna do there?
Jona            : Umm, I think we're going to buy clothes at the mall. You know, girls thing.
Zakiah         : Oh my God, don't waste your money for unnecessary things, Jon!
Jona            : Zak, it's important for me, you know. I'm a shopaholic, so..
Zakiah         : Okay, okay, haha. Oh, by the way do you hear the bell? I’m sorry I have to go right now! Be right back!
Jona            : Bye! See you later!


This is an imaginary story, so we hope you enjoy it. Bye!


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