Gathapraya, Seni Sastra Budaya!
Hello, it's me.. I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet.. *crying in spanish*
Today, I'm going to tell you about Gathapraya, a cultural festival that was held by my school. So basically, unlike other school's event, our school made a unity between traditional culture and modern arts. Fyi, I was one of the committee that held the event. (SO PROUD!!)
Gathapraya was the fourth event from SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. It's name came from Sansekerta Language which means "Harapan Untuk Masa Depan" or "A Hope For The Future"
I also played violin on Ekskul Collab's performance. (SO PROUD!!! pt.2) There were a lot of people watching me and I was so nervous, because my friends were on the front. Some of them came to Gathapraya only to watch me, and provided your time for your bestfriend was the best thing ever, I swear.
LOL, kidding. Hello, everyone! It's me, Jona again!
Gathapraya was the fourth event from SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. It's name came from Sansekerta Language which means "Harapan Untuk Masa Depan" or "A Hope For The Future"
Gathapraya was held on 30th September 2017 at Lapangan Bali, and opened it's gate on 12:00 PM. The event was very fun and catchy, moreover when my old friends came. I'm so excited to meet them because it's been a long time after our last meet.♡
Although I didn't take photos with all of them, I was very happy to meet them again! It was a pleasure to see them after 1378546583714138456338436 days. (okay I admit that was excessive)
The food stands are also delicious and not that expensive. My favorite stand was an ice cream stand in front of bangsal. Ice cream was my favorite dessert and I bought about 8-10 scoops of ice cream there (Yas, ice cream is everything!). I think the best flavors were charcoal, bubblegum, and mintberry or something like that. Delizioso!
HiVi! and Nidji were starring this festival. Vina Candrawati, Elephant Kind and Didik Nini Thowok also be the guest star here. My favorite appearance was from HiVi! because I knew some of their songs and their songs were... were.. were describing my feelings(?) In Indonesian we called it baper, LOL.
I think Gathapraya was one of the best festival I've ever been to. Oh Lord, I cannot wait for the next event!
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This is what did I mean with Ice cream is everything! |
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Yes, honey, yes! |
I think Gathapraya was one of the best festival I've ever been to. Oh Lord, I cannot wait for the next event!
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