Grey Wolf

Basics Things About Gray Wolves ♡

Gray Wolf (Canis lupus), also known as western wolf, is a canine native wolf from Eurasia, North-America, and North-Africa. It's a socially advanced animals that travel in packs. They usually had gray coats, but the other colors such as black, red, white, and brown are also available. The dangerous predator could live around 5-6 years, with an under 3 feet-tall body and 23-80 kilograms (depends on it's gender) of weight. 

As you may know, gray wolves has a major role on movies industry. A several movies like The Grey (2011), Twilight Saga Series (2008-2012), and more uses wolves as one of their characters, especially on a werewolf-themed movies.

Gray Wolf's Classifications ♡

Domain            : Eukarya
Supergroup      : Ophistrokonta
Kingdom         : Animalia
Phylum            : Chordata
Class                : Mammalia
Subclass          : Theria
Clade               : Fereuungulata
Order               : Carnivora
Suborder         : Caniformia
Family             : Canidae
Subfamily        : Caninae
Genus              : Canis
Species            : C. lupus )

Life Cycle of Gray Wolves ♡


The first life cycle stage of a wolf begins in its mother's womb, just like you. The womb is where the wolf begins growing inside its mother's belly. This period lasts between 60 and 63 days. During the gestation period, body parts form, including the eyes, nose, head, arms, legs, and so on. While the baby wolf is growing inside its mother's womb, his or her parents hunt for or dig a den. A den is a wild animal's hidden habitat, such as a cave or a hole in the ground.

Wolf Pup

Wolf pups are usually born in a litter, or a group of baby animals, four to six at a time. They're born with their eyes shut and usually weigh around one pound. It takes about 10-14 days for wolf pups' eyes to open. Wolf pups' grow at a very fast rate. At two weeks, wolf pups are able to walk around, although clumsily. By three weeks, they venture out of the den for the first time. Around this time, wolf pups' ears open and they begin to hear. 


Wolf pups turn into juvenile wolves by the age of three months and begin adventuring out with adult wolves and on their own. By nine months, juvenile wolves have learned how to hunt and capture a small prey of their own. When juvenile wolves reach two years of age, they're ready to mate and reproduce, or make their own wolf pups.

Young Adult

A young adult wolf starts joining the heard of the hunt. Some wolves are nocturnal, but some could be awake in the morning. Sometimes they howl at the moon at night and they always mark there territory by scent. A young wolf does not yet have all its fur

Adult Wolf

An adult wolf (female) will raise wolf and will not join the heard for some time. This is when they will separate and start there own heard. The Packs will be of 2-25 wolfs. By this time the wolfs are hunters and eat ungulates or other hoofed animal. They weight around 51-110 pounds.

Fun Facts and Unique Things You Should Know About Gray Wolves! ♡

first thing first,
⋆ It's known because of it's spine tingling howl can be heard from miles away! (you know, it's amazing and for me, hearing their howl are satisfying!)
⋆ It's very faithful to it's couple, one partner for the whole lifetime! (even animals could be that loyal, why can't humans started to imitate the good things from wolves?)


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